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Gavin Gong

a.k.a. VisualDust

I'm currently a final year bachelor in Computer Science, at School of Computer and Information Security, Guilin University of Electronic Technology. I taught myself computer vision and large language model related content during my undergraduate studies. I consist of Python, C#, C++, CUDA, Java, Kotlin, dotnet, React, PyTorch, and LaTeX.

My research topic mainly focuses on Large Language Models and Privacy Preserving AI Computing. My research interests span the broad area of Computer Vision, Generative Models and Unsupervised Learning, as well as fine-tuning and optimizing deep learning models into software systems.

I have recently received Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Computer Science Offer from North Carolina State University, I will start my PhD learning in fall 2024.



Random notes about developing, programming or argorithm related theory. Also some useless anecdotes.

CV Tutorial

CV Tutorial

Self taught learning materials by me and my friends. Focusing on Deep learning technique for Computer Vision.

CV Paper Reading Notes

CV Paper Reading Notes

Random paper reading, where some interesting papers about Computer Vision were recapitulated and analyzed.

Recently Maintaining


NEETBOX is a great tool for Logging/Debugging/Tracing/Managing/Facilitating long-running python code, especially for deep learning training. NEETBOX is a all-in-one python package consists of client, server and frontend. NEETBOX provides easy python APIs and launches a dashboard for monitoring all the connected projects.

Cool Things
